Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7

Day 7
Originally uploaded by wsigele
We didn't have a snow day today so we got to play outside in the snow at recess. I was out there for an hour covering both the 1,2,3 grade recess and the 4,5 recess. It was really fun and I'm so glad I decided to bring my camera! I took a lot of photos but I don't have permission to post the student's faces so I selected this shot of creative digging for my day 7 photo.


  1. The kids have such a fun time digging in snow and making snow forts. I was subbing this afternoon and smiled at the sight of the kids playing in the snow as I arrived during lunch recess. I like the perspective of your photo!

  2. Can't imagine having the time to deal with all of the snow gear in order to play in the snow during recess. Well done! I also suspect that this recess will be remembered and highlighted by your students for a long time.
